.PRG File Extension

  • File Type: Program File
  • Developer: N/A
  • Category: Executable Files
  • Format: N/A
  • Rating:

What is a .PRG file?

.PRG is an Executable Files file. You can launch .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

How to make a .PRG file?

To create .PRG files, you have to use Any text editor or any other software listed below. You can download programs for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS from official sources. You can also get .PRG file editor from its official web page. To learn more about .PRG file launcher and its alternatives, visit the program official web page.

How to open .PRG files?

To launch .PRG file on your platform, use .PRG file opener or another soft indicated below. Once you download and install the .PRG file opener, you will be able to open all .PRG documents.

    • File Type 1: xBase Program File File
    • Developer: dBASE Intelligence
    • Category: Developer Files
    • Format: Text
    • Rating:

    What is a .PRG file?

    .PRG is a Developer Files file of a Text format developed by dBASE Intelligence. You can launch .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

    How to make a .PRG file?

    To generate .PRG files, you have to use Harbor MiniGUI or any other program listed below. You can download programs for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS from official sources. You can also get .PRG file creator from its official web page. To learn more about .PRG file launcher and its alternatives, visit the program official web site.

    How to open .PRG files?

    You must have one of the programs that can open .PRG files. After the installation of the .PRG file viewer, you will be able to open all .PRG documents.

    • File Type 2: PC-DMIS Part Program File File
    • Developer: Hexagon Metrology
    • Category: CAD Files
    • Format: Binary
    • Rating:

    What is a .PRG file?

    .PRG is a CAD Files extension of a Binary format created by Hexagon Metrology. You can launch .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

    How to make a .PRG file?

    To make .PRG files, you have to use Hexagon Metrology PC-DMIS or any other software listed below. Programs for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS can be downloaded from official stores. .PRG file maker download is also available on the software official source. To learn more about .PRG file opener and its alternatives, visit the program official web page.

    How to open .PRG files?

    You must have one of the programs that can open .PRG files. Once you download and install the .PRG file opener, you will be able to open all .PRG documents.

    • File Type 3: 4 Akai MPC2000 Program File File
    • Developer: Akai Professional
    • Category: Audio Files
    • Format: Binary
    • Rating:

    What is a .PRG file?

    .PRG is an Audio Files file of a Binary format developed by Akai Professional. You can launch .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

    How to make a .PRG file?

    To make .PRG files, you have to use Midicase.com MPC Editor or any other program listed below. Software for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS can be downloaded from official stores. You can also get .PRG file editor from its official web page. To learn more about .PRG file opener and its alternatives, visit the program official web site.

    How to open .PRG files?

    To launch .PRG file on your platform, use .PRG file launcher by Akai Professional or another soft listed below. After the installation of the .PRG file opener, you will be able to open all .PRG documents.

    • File Type 4: 5 GEM Application File
    • Developer: Digital Research
    • Category: Executable Files
    • Format: Binary
    • Rating:

    What is a .PRG file?

    .PRG is an Executable Files extension of a Binary format developed by Digital Research. You can launch .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

    How to make a .PRG file?

    To create .PRG files, you have to use Gemulator or any other software indicated below. You can download programs for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS from official sources. .PRG file editor download is also available on its official web page. To learn more about .PRG file opener and its alternatives, visit the program official web site.

    How to open .PRG files?

    To launch .PRG file on your platform, use .PRG file launcher by Digital Research or another soft indicated below. Once you download and install the .PRG file reader, you will be able to open all .PRG documents.

    • File Type 5: 6 RAPID Program File File
    • Developer: ABB
    • Category: Developer Files
    • Format: Text
    • Rating:

    What is a .PRG file?

    .PRG is a Developer Files extension of a Text format created by ABB. You can launch .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

    How to make a .PRG file?

    To create .PRG files, you have to use ABB RobotStudio or any other program indicated below. You can download programs for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS from official stores. .PRG file editor download is also available on its official web page. To learn more about .PRG file launcher and its alternatives, visit the program official web page.

    How to open .PRG files?

    You must have one of the programs that can open .PRG files. After the installation of the .PRG file opener, you will be able to open all .PRG documents.

    • File Type 6: 7 WAVmaker Patch File File
    • Developer: Polyhedric Software
    • Category: Audio Files
    • Format: Binary
    • Rating:

    What is a .PRG file?

    .PRG is an Audio Files file of a Binary format created by Polyhedric Software. You can work with .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

    How to make a .PRG file?

    To create .PRG files, you have to use Polyhedric Software WAVmaker or any other program from the list below. You can download programs for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS from official stores. .PRG file creator download is also available on the software official source. To learn more about .PRG file opener and its alternatives, visit the program official web page.

    How to open .PRG files?

    You must have one of the programs that can open .PRG files. Once you download and install the .PRG file opener, you will be able to open all .PRG files.

    • File Type 7: 8 RPG Toolkit Program File File
    • Developer: RPG Toolkit
    • Category: Developer Files
    • Format: Text
    • Rating:

    What is a .PRG file?

    .PRG is a Developer Files file of a Text format made by RPG Toolkit. You can launch .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

    How to make a .PRG file?

    To make .PRG files, you have to use Polyhedric Software Mellosoftron or any other program from the list below. Programs for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS can be downloaded from official stores. .PRG file maker download is also available on its official web page. To learn more about .PRG file launcher and its alternatives, visit the program official web site.

    How to open .PRG files?

    You must have one of the programs that can open .PRG files. After the installation of the .PRG file opener, you will be able to open all .PRG files.

    • File Type 8: 9 Visual FoxPro Program File File
    • Developer: Microsoft
    • Category: Developer Files
    • Format: Text
    • Rating:

    What is a .PRG file?

    .PRG is a Developer Files extension of a Text format developed by Microsoft. You can work with .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

    How to make a .PRG file?

    To make .PRG files, you have to use RPG Toolkit or any other program from the list below. You can download programs for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS from official sources. .PRG file maker download is also available on the software official source. To learn more about .PRG file launcher and its alternatives, visit the program official web page.

    How to open .PRG files?

    You must have one of the programs that can open .PRG files. After the installation of the .PRG file viewer, you will be able to open all .PRG files.

    • File Type 9: 0 Commodore Program File File
    • Developer: N/A
    • Category: Game Files
    • Format: Binary
    • Rating:

    What is a .PRG file?

    .PRG is a Game Files extension of a Binary format . You can launch .PRG files on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS.

    How to make a .PRG file?

    To create .PRG files, you have to use CCS64 or any other software indicated below. You can download programs for Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, Windows Phone, and iOS from official sources. You can also get .PRG file editor from its official web page. To learn more about .PRG file opener and its alternatives, visit the program official web page.

    How to open .PRG files?

    To launch .PRG file on your platform, use .PRG file launcher or another soft indicated below. After the installation of the .PRG file reader, you will be able to open all .PRG documents.