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- Plugin Files
- File Type: Sublime Text Package File
- Developer: Jon Skinner
- Category: Plugin Files
- Format: N/A
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What is a .SUBLIME-PACKAGE file?
.SUBLIME-PACKAGE is a Plugin Files extension created by Jon Skinner. You can launch .SUBLIME-PACKAGE files on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
How to make a .SUBLIME-PACKAGE file?
To generate .SUBLIME-PACKAGE files, you have to use Sublime Text or any other software listed below. You can download programs for Linux, Mac, and Windows from official sources. .SUBLIME-PACKAGE file editor download is also available on the software official source. To learn more about .SUBLIME-PACKAGE file opener and its alternatives, visit the program official web site.
How to open .SUBLIME-PACKAGE files?
To launch .SUBLIME-PACKAGE file on your platform, use .SUBLIME-PACKAGE file opener by Jon Skinner or another soft listed below. Once you download and install the .SUBLIME-PACKAGE file reader, you will be able to open all .SUBLIME-PACKAGE files.